What's next for Sri Lanka? | Who will be the Successor of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

The severe economic crisis in Sri Lanka has brought the Island nation to its feet, whether it is in terms of economic crisis, political situation or the deteriorating condition of the common citizen. With it's incumbent President fleeing the country, Sri Lanka has a question of who will the successor of Gotabaya Rajapaksa. What will be it's future and how can it improve itself from the abysmal condition.

According to the Constitution of Sri Lanka, if the incumbent President has resigned or had stepped down for certain reasons, then ultimately the current Prime Minister will take over the post as the acting President unless the Parliament appoints any successor. There is a provision that the speaker should give a 3 days prior notice to the parliament and immediately elect a new person. The current Prime Minister shall hold the post of the President for 30 days and he cannot step back to his previous post once he/she is elected the President.

Protestors celebrating the resignation of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
Image Credit: cnn.com

What is the Current situation:

Currently Sri Lanka owes $51 Billion of debt. The International Monetary Fund(IMF) is resisting to financially support the Island nation because the IMF wants the answer of how Sri Lanka will repay it's debt, what will the political leadership, and when will the country become a stable place. Sri Lanka's tourism sector is currently crushed owing to the pandemic and the terror attacks of 2019. Protestors had stormed the President' official residence, Colombo secretariat and Prime Minister Ranil Wikremsinghe's private residence. The main problem that is arising among the common people is the rising prices of fuel and essential commodities. Sri Lanka's currency has collapsed upto 80% and rising rate of inflation has also hit it hard. There are very few gas stations that are running especially in Colombo but the rates are skyrocketing and it is very hard to bear it for the poor middle class. 

What's next for Sri Lanka ?

The immediate question which arises here is to first choose a successor of Gotabaya, I have talked above how the Prime Minister shall work as the acting President. But again who will take the place of the Prime Minister. Once the Prime Minister takes the post of President he/she cannot step back and the parliament will have to elect a new Prime Minister as well as the President. Now when you look at Sri Lanka's parliament there is the majority of the Rajapaksas, but the public does not want the Rajpaksas to again come in power, so who will the next top executive?. Well there is a possibility of having a coalition government. The Rajapaksas must come into coaltion with the opposition party and choose someone among them to become the leader. Standing first in line for the post of President is Sajith Premadasa who is the son of assassinated Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa.

Written by Sujal Vishwakarma

Follow me on Instagram: sujalvishwakarma_

Content Credit: The Hindu In Focus Podcast


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