What is a TRP? | How is it Calculated?

 Hello Reader,

We all love to watch television, we all love to watch our favorite TV serial, movies, cartoons, news etc. But have you ever wondered how do these channels earn, we don't pay any money nor we buy any tickets you may have heard about people saying that this show XYZ is very popular or this show XYZ is very underrated. From where do we get this data and how do they earn money. Well the simple answer to this question is the TRP of the channel. 

Image Credit: etvbharat.com

TRP stands for Television Rating Points it is basically the number of viewers watching a particular show. The higher number of TRP indicates higher number of audiences. TRP helps the owner as well as the companies/investors to know which channel is watched mostly so that they can show their ads on it. It also tells about which show is popular and which show is watched a number of times.

How are TRPs calculated?

TRPs are calculated by many electronic devices:
Image Credit: mufin.com

1. People's Meter = A industry body called BARC(Broadcast Audience Research Council) attach a device named People's Meter in every television. It calculates the time and channel the viewers watch on a particular day. 44,000 households spread across the country are surveyed by BARC to estimate the viewing habits of about 20 crore TV households, or roughly 84 crore viewers. After collecting the data an average is taken on a weekly basis to know the viewership status.

2. Picture Matching Method = In this method the people meter which is attached in a television records a small portion of picture which is continuously displayed on the screen. The data collected is used to measure TRP on a national scale.

--One TRP is equal to 1 percent of the viewers in a specific minute in a defined city. TRP ratings are measured in each minute. The average across the duration of a program is the final rating of the show or program. The TRP rate is calculated by keeping the Numerator as the number of impressions from the sample and the total target audience is designated the role of the Denominator and it is multiplied by 100.
If there is an impression of 1,00,000 in the total audience of 10,00,000 then the TRP would be :
 1,00,000/10,00,000 x 100 = 10 TRP rating.

In today's world, a TRP rating of 3 is considered good and satisfactory. The channel executive and the advertisers will be happy with a steady TRP rating of 3TRPs.
In Television, as mentioned before BARC releases the list of number of impressions every Thursday.

Who Calculates the TRP?

In India there have been several television rating agencies that calculate TRPs, these are namely TAM, Indian National Television Audience Measurement(INTAM), Broadcast Audience Research Council(BARC) and Doordarshan Audience Research Team(DART), which solely focuses on rural areas. TAM is owned by IMRB, the research wing of HTA, while INTAM is owned by ORG-MARG. BARC, India is joint industry body founded by stakeholder bodies that represent Broadcasters(IBF), Advertisers(ISA) and Advertising and Media Agencies(AAAI). It is also the world's largest television measurement science industry-body.
According to a report in August 2019 both TAM and INTAM were to be merged into a single entity in 2020 because the Indian Broadcasting Foundation(IBF), had recommended that TAM and INTAM should be merged to create a single rating system for television programmes. 

Broadcast Audience Research Council(BARC)

Image Credit: en.wikipedia.org

It was founded in 2014 as a TRP calculator. Broadcast Audience Research Council(BARC) is known as the world's largest television audience measurement service.

On the joint venture with TAM, it is the only rating body in our country for the broadcasting sector. BARC is founded by bodies of stakeholders like Advertisers and Advertising Agencies, Media Agencies, and Broadcasters Currently, BARC India has 44,000 Bar-O-meters in the country. They must increase by 10,000 annually. By four operations it will reach 80,000.

It has launched the service with 277 subscribed channels to calculate TRP India.

It lets the stakeholders make informed media and content decisions.

The Indian agency Broadcast Audience Research Council calculates the TRP India. It has installed "BAR-O-METERS" in few households as a sample. In over 45,000 households this meter is installed for justice and surveying. It is a form of people meter that records the channels or programs watched by the surveyed households.

The TRP calculator BARC releases TRP India week wise every Thursday. It displays the rank of all TV channels and programs. The list of top viewing channels and programs are also available.
.Written by Sujal Vishwakarma
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