
Showing posts with the label Fundamental Duties

What are Fundaments Duties ? | Duties of Indian Citizen |

 Ever since we started studying Civics or Political Science in our School we all must have come across the name "Fundamental Rights" we all know that our Indian Constitution is the lengthiest Constitution in the world, India itself is the worlds biggest Democracy it is because the enormous rights our constitution provides us. Fundaments rights are enshrined in Part-III of the Constitution from Articles 14 to 32. Seven Fundamental rights were written in the Constitution however the Right to Property was removed as a Fundamental Right by the 44th Constitutional Amendment of 1976 since then is has been made a legal right.  We need to remind ourselves that if the Constitution provides us Fundamental Rights then there are some Fundamental Duties also which every citizen is entitled to do. The only difference between Rights and Duties are that Fundamental Rights are "Justiciable" and Fundamental Duties are "Non- Justiciable". Justiciable means that no one even t